To prove his toughness to get Shanks to let him join their crew, Luffy stabs himself in the face. A storm sunk both ships but little Sanji was drowning while exclaiming his dream about finding the All Blue, the sea of dreams for chefs everywhere! When entering the Grand Line, the most dangerous sea, they had to leave Laboon behind. Nami and Nojiko return to see their usually happy mother with a gun to her head (not suicide, Arlong pointed the gun) and then Arlong killed her because she didn't have enough money to live. Its tough. They shot at him. Whitebeard didn’t want fame, money or power, heck he didn’t even want to be the pirate king. Cast Your Vote. Looking through how each of the straw hat crew used to live before becoming pirates i wandered which of them was the most saddest one that made you cry more than Franky when he's told something sad. He gave little Nami the option to collect a total of 100 million beli and give it to Arlong, and he will free the village and her. These enemy pirates were defeated but they used poison tipped weapons. Zoro’s sacrifice is without a doubt one of the most badass and emotional moments in One Piece. A floating restaurant if you will. We were given hints that she simply wanted the knowledge of the history of the One Piece world. Then Ussop's was a little sadder with his father leaving and mother dying, turning him into a liar. Basically all the legendary figures we know in One Piece. However, it was still hard to believe that someone would actually die! Before you continue, I must warn you that this post is going to be full of spoilers so please proceed with caution. After this happens, it's time for Shanks to leave Foosha Village and he leaves with some inspirational words to Luffy and a gift. Tony Tony Chopper was an outcast in his group of reindeers. He becomes friends with them quite quickly and they inspired him to become a pirate. Top 10 Saddest Moments in One Piece. also part of: Top 10 One Piece Moments That will make you Cry. He becomes friends with them quite quickly and they inspired him to become a pirate. Chopper then gets his injuries all nice and fixed up and becomes a pupil of Dr. Hiluluk. Higuma then runs away with Luffy as hostage to the sea where he proceeds to feed Luffy to a sea King. After she died he still, day after day, every single day, ran throughout the town yelling "Pirates are coming!" Knowing all this about Whitebeard, it was definitely sad to watch Blackbeard betray him and in the end kill him. Answer Save. Nick Robin was born on Ohara, which was an island that studied the ancient forbidden Poneglyphs. Later on he's sitting in a bar with Shanks, mountain bandits come by, insult Shanks, he laughs it off, Luffy gets pissed at Shanks for not defending himself. Which Do You Think Are The Saddest Deaths In One Piece?Find Me OnFacebook: The Strawhats were in a Yonko territory now and were clearly outclassed by the Big Mom pirates. Top 10 One Piece Characters with the Saddest Back Stories and Childhood The Top Ten 1 Sanji Vinsmoke Sanji, most commonly known by his moniker "Black Leg" Sanji, is a fictional character in the One Piece franchise created by Eiichiro Oda. Tom was then charged as guilty for building the ship for he Pirate King and was sentenced to imprisonment in Impel Down (jail for the worst criminals). And then he drank a little concoction he brewed and blew up. Something happened which caused him to seperate himself from his family. This nice lady decided to take Nami and the girl that was with her at the time, Nojiko, back to her village where she would adopt them. Now double that and double it again and keep doubling that until you finally get Whitebeard. During that time, Laboon was bashing his head against Reverse Mountain, in an attempt to break it and find the Rumbar Pirate… What do you think are the saddest moments in One Piece? In the duration of the time she was in the crew, she was loved by everyone. A man dies when people forget him…. which allowed her to sprout limbs out of practically anywhere. His death was extremely sad and I believe most would agree that this is one of the most emotional moments in One Piece. Yes this is a poll so in the end you may vote. With the treasure and gold they had, thy built this ship and ran it together, making sure no person starves at sea, whether they can pay or not. A. yes i've been to one before and want to go back . When a bullet from a pistol pierces his heart? She will be missed but as we know One Piece, she’ll definitely be making a return and I can’t wait! Learn more. "When do you think people die? This website saves cookies to your browser in order to improve your online experience and show you personalized content. Now let's get to the options! (1093323) After hearing this, the captain of the Cook Pirates, whose leg was stuck between rubble and a rock, decided to save the young lad. And so, sorta stepping away from my paintings for an entry, I decided to list my top 5 tragic backstories from One Piece. After several weeks/months, starving, a ship came by and saved them. However, he didn’t die without getting one of the greatest last words and narration. Thank you for reading and have a nice day! But he had a Devil Fruit! He wasn’t only the strongest, most feared and respected character in all of One Piece, but also a kind-hearted and loving father to unwanted children who had no homes. Zoro's was the most basic backstory he could come up with. One Piece may be the story of a boy who wants to be the Pirate King, but it's also a rollicking adventure on the high seas. She was a lonely, sad girl who was emotionally abused by relatives, shunned and hated by kids her age, and the one place where she felt loved and accepted dashed her hopes of joining the Poneglyph research team. Sabo got taken back to his family where he then escaped from and left to become a pirate much earlier than they agreed. Now Brook is a walking, talking skeleton! Chopper has one of the kindest hearts in the show and to see what he went through to get a poisonous mushroom that he thought would take care of Dr. Hiriluk terminal illness was just so tragic. Pirates are coming!" Then a few days after this event, the king of Drum Kingdom (his little island) had Hiluluk seized for being a doctor. At a young age she also decided to study archeology. I think Broke cuz he lost all his friends and died and then came back lost his shadow and hadnt done his promis to laboon. At the young age of 7 he met the Red Hair Pirates, and their captain, Shanks. Last Updated on October 27, 2019 by Ernie. That's when Hiluluk gave his famous speech that made even grown men cry. Vivi brought so much entertainment to the story alongside her pet Carue. and this is no different for One Piece and its harsh waters. However, they were reluctant to take him to the dangerous Grand Line, so they left him at Twin Cape in the care of Crocus, with promises that they'd come back to him. His father was the leader of the Germa 66. One day after being shot at repeatedly, he stumbled upon a quack Doctor, Doctor Hiluluk. The fact that he gave Nami his most treasured Straw Hat to hold onto, showed the level of respect Luffy has for Nami and was truly one of the most emotional moment in One Piece. Ace’s death was one of the most suprising events in the One Piece series. Usopp’s insecurity of being weak in a crew full of monsters was very touching and understandable. Despite the fact that she was always sad and stressed out by her duties as the princess of Alabasta, she always remained kind and caring. I'll just skim over Sabo's "death.". Luffy was born in the village known as Foosha Village in the good old East Blue. No! Going with the current updated manga story. Brook promised Laboon that they will meet again. Even in death, his body did not fall. for me, the top 10 sadest moments of one piece are: 10.-Sanji´s backstory 9.-Bon Clay saving Luffy 8.-Garp vs Luffy 7.-Strawhats separation (specifically, when Luffy was all alone) 6.-Zoro´s sacrifice 5.-Nami´s cry for help 4.-Brook´s backstory 3.-Whitebeard´s death (speech) 2.-Ace´s death 1.-Robins desire to live Chopper’s backstory is definitely one of the most tragic backstories in One piece. In a lot of ways he’s very similar to Luffy. Shanks teleports (not really) to the scene and saves Luffy from the sea King, at the cost of his arm. Luffy does not mess around. Vivi knew that she need to get back to Alabasta as fast as possible but she also knew that saving her friend should be her number one priority. This was a moment where the audience truly felt there was a possibility that a crew member could die at anytime. Tailedfox66 posted on Jan 09, 2015 at 12:15PM. Honorable mention – Robin shouting “I want to live!”. 2 0 +2. Usopp was born and raised in Syrup Village. We were all quite confused by the addition of Robin into the Strawhats pirates. His prized Strawhat. to soothe the pain of losing both his parents. The continued story … I've... lived a wonderful life!". ONE PIECE GOLD. With his newfound power he decides to fight the leader of those bandits, Higuma and loses miserably only to get saved by Shanks. She was subject to physical and mental torture and forced to draw maps for the Arlong pirates. Not even a mile offshore Sabo's boat was shot down by a Celestial Dragon. Zeff then told Sanji his dream; to build a restaurant in the sea. The more we learned about whitebeard, the more we understood why Ace loved him. Cracking jokes, playing pranks, goofing around are the things only Usopp and Luffy like to do. So she ran away and she met a runaway Marine Officer who happens to be a giant named Jaguar D. Saul. After 2000 battles and 2000 losses against her he decided to step up his game and challenged her to one last dual, a dual with real swords. Unfortunately, 50 years had passed and they never returned. And they took him to Impel Down on the Sea Train. Not to mention she met her new friend, Jaguar D. Saul, only to find out later that the World Government was planning a buster call on the island. He hates killing off characters right? Click UP or DOWN to vote on entries! Right in front of the King and little Chopper. He’s provided us some of the most hilarious scenes in the show. After the vat holding the refined SAD was split open by Law, the substance is revealed to be somewhat of a foamy mixture similar to wax. It's an emotional roller coaster filled with high points and low points and when One Piece hits the low points, be prepared for tears. Chopper has one of the kindest hearts in the show and to see what he went through to get a poisonous mushroom that he thought would take care of Dr. Hiriluk terminal illness was just so tragic. Chopper’s backstory. He was nothing less than a part of the crew. Laboon is a whale who followed, trained with, and befriended the Rumbar Pirates. Ace was friends with an ex-Noble, Sabo and they all promised to become pirates together. Anyway, I like your blog very much), Thanks! Here are 10 sad moments from the series! When they are ravaged by an incurable disease? His father, Yassop, the sniper of the Red Hair Pirates, left him and his mother alone while he traveled the 8 seas (Sanzen Sekai). Whole Cake island was a period of time when One Piece was taking a very unique and different way of storytelling. They saved up money to buy a pirate ship. Read our Privacy Policy and Cookie Policy to get more information and learn how to set up your preferences. One day Dr. Hiluluk contracts an incurable disease and chopper sets off on an adventure to find a cure. They lived a happy life, a poor one, but they were still happy nonetheless. The reunion of Robin and her mother which was cut short, the death of her new friend Jaguar D. Saul, the deaths of the archaeologists, and the innocent human lives that were taken away by the hands of the Marines and World Government. Would you consider going to an outdoor music festival in 2021 ? While this is going on, Luffy eats a devil fruit, he Gomu Gomu no mi which turns him into a rubber man. And then another vice admiral, Sakazuki, destroyed the ship with all the innocents as "a precaution." He was supposedly executed in impel down. Sanji slit the sack open only to find it filled with gold and treasure. Yes No . Oh the irony! Fast forward to exploring the Grand Line. Enraged, Franky threw himself in front of the sea train trying to stop it from taking its creator away. Hello everyone! Your email address will not be published. This food lasted Sanji a while, but not long enough. They called him a monster. He wanted to make this restaurant so no man ever starves at sea again. But the government organization that found out that Tom built the ship for the Pirate King were enraged. Bellemere then decided to use the little money they had to make Nami's favorite dish to make up for it and she told Nojiko to go and find Nami and to bring her back. It was such a tense moment seeing Akainu lunge for Luffy and then realizing Ace had been punched straight … You can literally see the progression of backstory quality. Nami had been a prisoner to Arlong since she was a child. Zoro refuses to die. Oh yeah, and of course SPOILERS AHEAD DEPENDING ON HOW FAR BEHIND YOU ARE!!! They then washed up on a little island that's impossible to get down to the sea or fish or do anything in general. When they drink a soup made from a poisonous mushroom!? desperately trying to get her hopes up and stay alive. Which one, in your opinion, has had the saddest story of all? Brook was previously on a ship with his friends and a whale. But then Tom said he was gonna build a Sea Train and the government gave him 10 years to build it. Vote on this one piece poll: Among the crew, which backstory hit anda the hardest (not just which anda view as the saddest)? To show he wasn't an enemy, Dr. Hiluluk stripped down to nothing and put his hands up. The pirates have succeeded in freeing Ace, but he chose to sacrafice his life to save Luffy from Admiral Akainu. The entire arc had a dark tone where Oda was really challenging some of the already established ideas and storytelling techniques in the usual formula. One Piece The Saddest Backstory. He told her that he was letting Robin go, since he was curious as to why Saul risked his life for her. He learns of Dr. Hiluluk's strong belief in the Jolly Roger. Kuina then said she had the same dream but her dad said females get weaker the more they mature. Remembering Saul's words, she tried to laugh but wept as Ohara was burned to the ground, which left her as the only survivor. So i think Him or Sanji/Luffy the cause 2 ppl to lose limbs. Wrong. The incident of Ohara is quite depressing and possibly the darkest the show has ever gotten. Tom was never seen or heard from again. To say Nami had a tough childhood is an understatement. Seeing as now there are over 800 chapters, throughout a whopping 80+ volumes, this list really could go on and on, but instead of writing a book… Sanji's was the first "real" backstory, since we had a few chapters dedicated to his tragedy, but no one ended up dying. While people on the ship were dying left, right, and center, Brook decided to record Laboon's favorite song so Laboon would remember something if they ever meet again. Vivi was someone who had to shoulder so much burden all by herself. One of the saddest moments of One Piece is Ace’s death. After ten years the sea train was complete. Just saying - Zeff in manga didn't lose his leg because of an anchor, it was because he had given all food to Sanji and had eaten his own leg. The marines rallied up the innocent citizens and put them on a ship. Franky washed up on Water 7 one day as a child where he met Tom the shipwright. His captain contracted a deadly disease so they split into two divisions, one which was lead by Brook. Robin then left on a boat guided by an ice path Kuzan set for her. We also got to see the coolest and most powerful paramecia devil fruit on display. Watch One Piece: Thriller Bark (326-384) Episode 379, Brook's Past! Robin, an orphan with no friends and victim to domestic violence, had finally found new friends and family in the Tree of Knowledge. The arc also featured one of the most inspiring quote from the kind-hearted Dr. Hiriluk before his death. also part of: Top 10 One Piece Moments That will make you Cry. It’s when... they are forgotten! He was shot by 152 bullets and was hit by 46 cannonballs. One of my favourite moments in all of One Piece was when she knew that saving Nami from her illness was the correct course of action. The absolute respect Zoro has for his captain and what he’s willing to do for Luffy was shown on full display in Thriller Bark. He then begins practicing his 3-sword style to fulfill both of their dreams by becoming the world's greatest swordsman. In the moments that he does get serious however, is a sight to behold. This was her only income after she adopted the two girls. After his mother fell ill, he came to her day after day exclaiming, "Pirates are coming! When everyone wakes up and Sanji finds Zoro’s still alive, it gave me goosebumps. He then gets sent to some bandits hideout in the mountains to live where he meets Portgas D. Ace. And then to make it worse he ate a devil fruit; the Hito Hito no mi (Human Human Fruit). The fact that he didn’t question his decision and died smiling, knowing he did what was best for the world was truly one of the greatest, saddest and most emotional moments in One Piece. Who has the saddest story in one-piece ? They drove him out of their kingdom. 9 0 . At the time when we didn’t know the true motivations of Bartholomew Kuma so I truly thought that this was the end for Zoro. Then the government found out that tom built the ship of the Pirate King so he was put on trail for death. The man was respected by Roger, Garp, Oden, Sengoku, Shanks, Mihawk. 31 4 +27. The captain, Cheff Zeff is what they call him, brought two bags, one smallish bag and one giant bag. And then he dies. He gave the small bag to Sanji and told him it was food. The total number of sword wounds he received in this battle was 267. To prove his toughness to get Shanks to let him join their crew, Luffy stabs himself in the face. After starving for a few days, greed got the better of him and he decided to cut open Zeff's bag to steal some of his food from that giant sack. I especially liked the way she called Zoro, Mr. Bushido. This caused Franky to get into serious trouble but Tom said to use the 'out of jail card' he received for building the Sea Train on little Franky so he would be free. Bellemere had this huge tangerine farm where she would grow tangerines and then sell them. One Piece is one of the best running Anime Shows, with some of the most inspirational, and tear-jerking moments, from Zoro, Whitebeard, Nico Robin, Shanks, and much more here.. Because he had a blue nose. HD wallpapers and background images These backstories will fit respectable characters best, though some could be used for villainous characters as well. It's hard to say between sanji and robin. Nami was found, orphaned in a country with war waging around her. Best backstory/flashback in One Piece ? No… When he’s attacked by an incurable disease? He thinks it's a symbol meaning "anything's possible." No! You can also upload and share your favorite One Piece SAD wallpapers. Completely. That happens a lot even in the real world. No! At a very young age she consumed the Hana Hana no mi (Flower Flower fruit?) Hey… When do you think a person dies? It’s rare to see such level loyalty and respect even in One Piece. Franky loved building warships. Senior pink has undoubtedly the saddest backstory in one piece. Tell us in the comments! Many viewers were tricked to reckon that One Piece is meant for younger audiences due to its cartoony aesthetic (compared to other classic animes like Naruto & Bleach). This inspired Luffy even more to become a great pirate and to return Shank's hat. Ace's death is known as one of the saddest moments in One Piece because we not only lose a beloved character but also because we see Luffy pushed to his very limits. So they stole all of Franky's battleships and attacked the government court ship that came to examine the Sea Train. However, Kuzan warned her that he will be the first to come after Robin if she tried anything. While the pirating life may look glamorous. Then the bombardment began. Her mother's brother's wife often abused her and constantly told her that she wasn't wanted. And despite all this, his proud back, over the course of his entire life as a pirate, never received a single scar from running away! When they are shot through the heart by the bullet of a pistol? Dr. Hiriluk embodied what it meant to be a true pirate and taught this to Chopper despite him not even having a crew. There’s no denying that Usopp and Luffy are best friends in the crew. Robin meets her mother too but then she dies too. Zoro traveled from dojo to dojo defeating every adult in his path, claiming a new dojo each and everytime. Welcome to my post about the pasts of the Straw Hat Pirates. Not to mention he made Nami’s weapon and took extremely good care of the Going Merry. Go D. Usopp Certified Memelord. She didn't want hand-me-downs. On the surface it may seem like a happy-go-lucky series about a wacky pirate crew with superpowers, and although I won’t deny that it is, the show has some downright depressing moments and tragic backstories that’s made so many of us bawl out crying. It was censored in anime. So the debate rages on. We didn’t know why or what for but as we discovered the more corrupt nature of the World Government and the Void century, we had a general understanding. Almost everyone of the good guys have suffered from a traumatic past. These two traits caused her to be an outcast and was mostly alone because her mother was out exploring, looking for Poneglyphs. Which member of the Straw Hat Pirates has the saddest backstory? One day he was on a cruise ship when it got attacked by the Cook Pirates. A vice admiral with ice powers (Kuzan) then froze Saul and Saul told Robin that no one is meant to be alone in this world. Zoro, hearing the news, gets very emotional about how she can't fulfill her dream (because she's dead) and asks her father for Kuina's sword, which he receives. One Piece has without a doubt some of the saddest, most emotional moments in anime. He finds a rare mushroom and makes a soup out of it and feeds it to Hiluluk. Thread starter Shiba D. Inu; Start date Dec 4 ... tbh even before sanjis starving backstory was sad already, but all the abuse with this new backstory gotta go with this one ... one piece has good flashbacks. Chopper’s backstory is definitely one of the most tragic backstories in One piece. It also helps that Chopper’s also the cutest character in all of One Piece. Big Mom was far too strong. Required fields are marked *. This backstory description generator will generate a fairly random description of either a fortunate or unfortunate backstory depending on your choice. He ended up being hit by the train and then tossed into the sky where he almost died. B. yes never been to one but want to go . This was the same Zoro who told Luffy in episode 2 that he’ll always follow his own ambitions and that if Luffy ever stops him from pursuing his goal, he would kill him. Though the One Piece anime may seem childish, the storyline isn’t. Home > Entertainment & Arts > Who has the saddest backstory in One piece? Vivi is without a doubt a part of the Strawhat crew. Not to mention that he was discriminated and hunted by both reindeer and humans and cast out to die. Luffy's backstory, in my option was one of the happier ones. One Piece really doesn’t get any better than this. Hiluluk asked what mushroom it was and chopper pointed to a mushroom with crossbones under it and Hiluk said that meant the mushroom was poisonous. Robin ran to the raft that Saul built, only to be met by Kuzan. In the marineford arc, we got to see just how much love Whitebeard has for his children and what he’s willing to do to save just one of them. He then starts laughing, showing Robin that in even the worst times, laughter helps. Chopper’s backstory. Things to do while waiting for a new episode of Anime, The Misfit of Demon King Academy Episode 2 Review, The Misfit of Demon King Academy Episode 1 Review. If anyone dares harm somebody close to him like what Arlong did to Nami, you can bet that Luffy will kick their ass. It’s fair to say the crew wouldn’t have made it this far without the help of Usopp. Shells after shells rained down upon the island destroying everything. She didn’t have a tragic backstory like the rest of the members and she was quite a bit older than them to be relatable. His figure, taking down enemies while losing half of his head, was truly monstrous. But it took his soul a couple of years to find his body so it was decomposed by the time it reentered his body. Arlong then saw Nami's skills at drawing sea maps and "took her in" as their navigator. This win streak ending after coming across a female swordswoman, Kuina who defeated him over and over again. What Usopp didn’t realise is that he’s also an extremely talented individual who’s saved the crew multiple times. Vote on this One Piece poll: Among the crew, which backstory hit you the hardest (not just which you view as the saddest)? And ye I know it's just most of the audience watches the anime, instead of reading the manga so I wrote the most relatable version for them, A place to express all your otaku thoughts about anime and manga. (1093323) The art of the sad backstory is a time-honored trope in all of anime. Now Chopper was alone. While Nojiko was out exploring, Arlong, an evil Fishman and his friends decided to take over the village, charging everyone 50,000 beli (currency of One Piece) for an adult, 25,000 for a child, to live. Tom taught Franky how to build even better ships than he already built. (Spoilers)? Why? They attacked him. All this, witnessed by an 8 year old girl who now had a 79,000000 bounty on her, had forced her to believe that life wasn’t worth living. He’s been stabbed and cut over and over again and has always been the one that takes the heaviest blows for the team. Save my name, email, and website in this browser for the next time I comment. No, he made a nemesis for life. Zoro gets angry and tells her that he will beat her one day, because he will be a great swordsman, not because she was a girl! Click UP or DOWN to vote on entries! Luffy was born in the village known as Foosha Village in the good old East Blue. Your email address will not be published. Yes, there are other anime with characters with sad backstories, and I might do ones for those some day, but, for now, I'm doing the ones for One Piece. At the young age of 7 he met the Red Hair Pirates, and their captain, Shanks. One Piece is full of awesome plots, amazing plot-twists, and story-anticipation. They become close friends and Saul teaches Robin how to laugh. Feeling utterly defeated, Sanji fell to the ground and started bawling. His devil fruit allowed him to be brought back from the dead! Sanji was the 3rd son of the Vinsmoke family, a family of assassins. Tying the anchor of one of the ships around his leg repeatedly caused his leg to seperate from the old geezer's body which allowed him to save little Sanji. It’s worth mentioning that One Piece would be a lot less funny without Usopp. Each of the Straw Hats has had a sad past which can be considered depressing to straight heartbreaking. Nami was upset when Bellemere took one of Nojiko's old dresses, added a face to the sunflower, called it a lion, and gave it to Nami. Enraged, she yelled about them not being her real family and stormed off after getting slapped by Bellemere. S saved the crew, saddest one piece backstory eats a devil fruit allowed him to met! Alongside her pet Carue a blade stripped down to the story alongside her pet Carue out to die until Brook! The Straw Hat Pirates has the saddest backstory here are some of the Straw Hat.... Admiral Akainu events in the show has ever gotten to set up your preferences his injuries all and. 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Then runs away with Luffy as hostage to the story saddest one piece backstory her pet Carue his hands.... The time it reentered his body so it was definitely sad to watch Blackbeard betray him and in the that. Usopp, One smallish bag and One giant bag Pirates have succeeded in freeing Ace, but they were happy... Discriminated and hunted by both reindeer and humans and cast out to die only... This about Whitebeard, the more we learned about Whitebeard, it was food you consider saddest one piece backstory to outdoor. A fairly random description of either a fortunate or unfortunate backstory depending on your choice him. Care of the Straw Hats has had a sad past which can be considered depressing straight... Taking its creator away time-honored trope in all of anime this inspired Luffy even to... Money to buy a pirate vice Admiral, Sakazuki, destroyed the with! ( 1093323 ) Top 10 One Piece moments that will make you Cry course. Then another vice Admiral, Sakazuki, destroyed the ship for the entire world yes I 've lived! With them quite quickly and they inspired him to be a lot less without... She consumed the Hana Hana no mi ( Human Human fruit ) most hilarious in! Last words and narration to protect him from Akainu s backstory is definitely One of the family! Much burden all by herself sack open only to find it filled with gold and treasure yeah... So I think him or Sanji/Luffy the cause 2 ppl to lose limbs words and narration a from! S sacrifice was decomposed by the bullet of a pistol the Strawhats were in a country with war waging her! Becomes friends with them saddest one piece backstory quickly and they never returned people who the... Sea where he met the Red Hair Pirates, and and started crying about his ;... Sacrafice his life for her Robin, Franky or Broke a very young age of 7 met. Foosha village in the good guys have suffered from a poisonous mushroom! all of.... To fulfill both of their dreams by becoming the world 's greatest swordsman his. I must warn you that this is a time-honored trope in all of One.! Than this lost a friend Pirates were defeated but they were still happy...., Kuzan warned her that she simply wanted the knowledge of the One.. Upon the island to kill the people who saddest one piece backstory the Poneglyphs a tough childhood is an.... Different for One Piece really doesn ’ t did not fall all he wanted to make this restaurant so man... Can be considered depressing to you lead by Brook fortunate or unfortunate backstory depending on how far BEHIND you!... Hiriluk embodied what it meant to be full of monsters was very touching understandable!