Celebrating Earth Day (Pre-K Pages) – Most preschool and kindergarten teachers teach their students about fire safety and dental health; but teaching students to respect our planet is just as important. Making a recycling center for the classroom is a simple way to get kids involved. Regardless of the necessity of discussing the issue, it can be overwhelming, especially for young people. Learning which plastics can and cannot be recycled, or why it’s essential to clean and separate materials to avoid contamination, is equally important in setting children on the path to more sustainable living. It cost $50 per ton to deliver … Recycling isn’t the only sustainability measure you can encourage. If this sounds too abstract for some young minds, recycling is also a tangible, visual means of understanding our present sustainability crisis. Tape the signs on the boxes and set up a recycling center near the wastebasket. Recycling is an easy way for families to make a difference, and involving kids in our “green” initiatives helps them to feel empowered! Do your kids help? We also use third-party cookies that help us analyze and understand how you use this website. This sensory play activity for Earth Day is a great way to engage the senses while also talking about creatures that live on Earth. Getting students away from single-use products and towards reusable essentials is another way you can help. Simple Earth Suncatcher (No Time for Flash Cards) – With some glitter and glue your preschoolers will have a fun time making these easy Earth Suncatchers in this hands on activity. Teach kids about the importance of recycling with our recycling lesson plan. Join 150,000+ teachers who receive my FREE weekly teaching tips; and I’ll send you a copy of my eBook 7 Pre-K Teaching Hacks as a gift. These cookies do not store any personal information. It is mandatory to procure user consent prior to running these cookies on your website. On the other hand, waste is an issue for governments as well as for individuals. 100 Fine Motor Ideas for Parents, Teachers & Therapists, Cardboard Tube Marble Run Building Activity, How To Make Upcycled Plastic Egg Music Shakers, Sprouting Sweet Potatoes Science Activity For Preschoolers, Recyclable items, such as plastic bottles, newspapers, cardboard boxes, cans, and so forth. How they are made. When kids see the garbage collector taking the trash from their home, it can be difficult for them to understand that this garbage doesn’t disappear, but it ends up in a landfill – most of the times. Required fields are marked *. The word ‘recycling’ does’n’t exactly have many fun connotations – there’s nothing particularly colorful about it and it doesn’t come before a treat or a game.This can make it quite difficult to get kids involved in the recycling process, as on the face of it there’s very little in it for them. Recycling teaches students to about caring for the environment and teaches many other skills. Out of these cookies, the cookies that are categorized as necessary are stored on your browser as they are essential for the working of basic functionalities of the website. Recycling Activities. According to World Bank data, 2.01 billion tonnes of solid waste are generated annually worldwide, a nearly unfathomable number. Recycled Crafts. If you are a school, you are integral to this aspect of their education, whether through curriculum, field trips or simple encouragement. My work has been featured in Scholastic Teacher magazine and on NBC 5 DFW. The importance of recycling is well documented and the subject of innumerable campaigns worldwide; however, we’d like to take the time to remind you why it’s especially critical to be teaching kids about recycling as soon as possible, both for themselves and for the sake of the global society they will inherit. As a Pre-K teacher with more than 20 years of classroom teaching experience, I'm committed to helping you teach better, save time, stress less, and live more. Recycled Earth – Scrap Paper & Cardboard. This category only includes cookies that ensures basic functionalities and security features of the website. This can reinforce that one’s consumption is not free or insignificant, hopefully deterring them from a mentality of throwaway use in the future. Composting. There are plenty of ways to re-use recyclable materials like egg cartons, scrap … You can follow her on Facebook, Twitter, and Pinterest. Mar 28, 2016 - Earth Day is a great time to be teaching recycling to preschoolers; make a recycling center for kids to sort items and think about caring for the world. I tell students how recycling prevents items from going to landfills, reduces our use of natural resources, and reduces pollution during the process of … Instilling a love for the outdoors and getting kids involved in sustainability practices at an early age is one of the best ways to encourage long-lasting green habits, like recycling. Today is America Recycles Day! Give children the role of family compost monitor. Teaching your kids about recycling can be difficult, because the concept is often fairly abstract for younger children. Ideas & Resources for Preschool & Pre-K Teachers Learning Activities & Printables for Kids, Sign up for the FREE newsletter and receive my ebook 7 Pre-K Teaching Hacks, posted by Editor | filed under earth day, Lesson Plans | affiliate disclosure. Receive my ebook Pre-K Teaching Hacks for free when you sign up for email updates. It saves our natural resources and wildlife, energy, reduces pollution and landfill waste all while also creating jobs. Allow your kids to be a part of the recycling process in the home. Given that a university is a place... read more, Every university student back at home is searching for some new... read more. Cardboard Tube Marble Run Building Activity (Little Bins for Little Hands) – Save those cardboard tubes instead of throwing them away and then turn them into this hands on marble run building activity. It also helps create responsible adults, with a better chance of having a decent planet to live on. Although it’s hard to explain the big picture of saving the Earth to preschoolers, we can help them understand that recycling saves energy. Earth Day presents a wonderful opportunity to teach young children about the importance of taking care of our planet. Included: A Mother's Day gift idea, recycle games, composting, scrap paper projects, more! We'll assume you're ok with this, but you can opt-out if you wish. However, something as simple as putting a kid in charge of collecting the recycling at home lets them see firsthand the output of a single family. We’ve created a whole post about the benefits of using materials made from eco-friendly materials, including staples like portable coffee cups. It costs around $30 per ton to recycle. But opting out of some of these cookies may have an effect on your browsing experience. One way is to bring kids along as you clean up a park or playground. and NAEYC. Necessary cookies are absolutely essential for the website to function properly. As every parent knows, sometimes our best efforts to “instruct” our children can fall short. While it may feel like we don’t have control what happens to the environment, one of the best ways to do your bit towards a healthy planet in the future is to teach the little ones the importance of recycling. You may want to invite preschoolers to bring in some recyclable items from home. Through recycled art projects your child can learn while having fun. Ecosystems, consumer culture, properties of different materials like plastic and glass: these are just some of the topics one could delve into with recycling as the starting point. Today is America Recycles Day! Recycling is an important part of a wider goal to improve the way we look after our environment. Save my name, email, and website in this browser for the next time I comment. We do the basics, and the kids help out here and there, we love to upcycle our recyclables a lot.But today, Swapna from Practical Mom is sharing some tips on getting your kids recycling and also learning about the recycling process itself. I'm Vanessa, I help busy Pre-K and Preschool teachers plan effective and engaging lessons, create fun, playful learning centers, and gain confidence in the classroom. Recycling is a learning experience for the future Posted August 13, 2016 by admin & filed under Recycling. Egg Carton Caterpillar – Classic for a reason right? The lessons we learn in school can lay the habits of a lifetime, and among the more important lessons we can teach our children is the nitty-gritty of recycling. Crafts That Use Recycled Materials. Great Idea to set up a recycling center in class. As important as teaching your child to recycle is, you shouldn’t stop there. Alphabet Clean Up (Pre-K Pages) – Earth Day is the perfect time to teach children about the environment and how they can help care for our planet. It’s a fun Earth Day Activity that helps young kids learn how to sort items for the compost bin, the recycle bin and the garbage. This website uses cookies to improve your experience. But, with our environment in need of greater awareness and care, it’s important that we teach our kids about the importance of taking care of the world in which we live. As such, their early years are the perfect time to introduce them to healthy habits—like recycling. Spoiler alert: these reusables make great gifts for your students! Which Promotional Products Have the Longest Life Span? Homemade Seed Paper (Pre-K Pages) – A great way to celebrate Earth Day for Kids is by making homemade seed paper. If kids put in the effort to recycle properly from the start, chances are pro-environmental behavior will start to seem less like a chore and more like a necessity as they grow up. Implementing recycling programs for kids also teaches children about the importance of respecting their environment. Whether you’re a high school student stuck at home or you’re... read more, For any organisation, whether you're hosting an art exhibition, career fair,... read more, There’s a good chance you and your students have been eagerly... read more, When you’ve made the decision to include promotional products in your... read more, To put it in the truest and most corny terms possible,... read more, It’s not news to anyone that single-use products are not in... read more, If you are a teacher who wants to teach from home,... read more, The government announced on Monday that it planned to start introducing... read more, First impressions are everything. This might start by upping your school’s recycling game, or—in these times of remote learning—urging them to recycle with their parents by participating in school-wide recycling challenges. At a young age, children are curious and open to new experiences. Learning the importance of being sustainable shows them that the environment is important. Whether it’s for collages, sculptures or models, reusing cardboard and plastic from the bins means that kids can experiment to their hearts’ content without their parents spending excessive amounts on new supplies. There’s a surprising amount of know-how involved, more so than what color bin to put cardboard in. I help busy Pre-K and Preschool teachers plan effective and engaging lessons, create fun, playful learning centers, and gain confidence in the classroom. The students learn: The positive effects of recycling on … Written by Kathryn Hatter . We don’t expect children to become influential activists like Greta Thunberg, but she is certainly an inspiration for children to learn from. Upcycled Plastic Egg Music Shakers (Pre-K Pages) – Earth Day is a great time to talk about recycling and reusing (or upcycling) materials. To do this, gather the necessary supplies and invite the children to help make some signs for your recycling bins. And how they can be reused. The Importance of Teaching Kids About Sustainability. In the hustle and bustle of everyday life, recycling isn’t always the number one priority. Sign-up for my free teaching tips and you’ll receive my eBook, Pre-K Teaching Hacks as a gift. Thinking beyond classic recyclables, challenging kids to transform old fabric into new outfits or embellish a scuffed piece of furniture can trigger the imagination and lead to the development of some handy skills. Eco Friendly Living in … Check out this video of kids visiting a recycling plant in Northern Ireland. the lessons that they learn about taking care of the earth at this young age will impact their attitude towards environmental issues later When trying to teach kids the importance of recycling, one of the best ways is through recycling games. This week, Education World offers five lessons to help you teach students about trash and the importance of recycling. Earth Day is a great time to teach preschoolers about recycling. Encouraging habits like recycling from an early age can help bridge that gap. There are many ways to teach preschoolers about how to reduce, reuse, and recycle. Encouraging children to recycle is a way of teaching them about sustainability. “Positive Impacts of Recycling” Objectives. Do you recycle in your home? Another important thing to learn, in addition to recycling and reusing, is reducing. Working to protect and sustain the Earth – known as sustainability – is not just for adults. Another simple way is to create a recycling center for the home or classroom. Earth Day Paper Plate Weaving (Pre-K Pages) – Paper plate weaving is a fantastic fine motor challenge. This website uses cookies to improve your experience while you navigate through the website. simple way to teach them about taking care of their environment 4 Easy And Practical Wellness Activities For High School Students At Home, 10 reasons why hosting environmentally sustainable events is easy and effective, 6 Useful Gifts For Children In Primary School Learning From Home. Reducing consumption of physical objects is important, as is reducing our use of electricity, water and gas to make new products. The importance of recycling is well documented and the subject of innumerable campaigns worldwide; however, we’d like to take the time to remind you why it’s especially critical to be teaching kids about recycling as soon as possible, both for themselves and for the sake of the global society they will inherit. When the recycling center is all set up, invite children to help sort the recyclables into the bins. It not only teaches the sorting of attributes, but it teaches life skills at the same time. Teaching them sustainable concepts, like the importance of refurbishing furniture when possible, or donating clothes instead of throwing them away in order to decrease waste are … 26 September, 2017 . Painting with Recycled Objects (Pre-K Pages) – Earth Day is a time to think about caring for the world we have. Reusing and recycling materials are ways to be responsible. It gives them skills in respect, empathy, … Keeping our new purchases to a minimum is a way to reduce our use of natural resources. It makes a great process art activity for preschoolers, requiring very simple materials. This simple activity also promotes letter recognition, fine motor skills, and sorting by attributes. Instead of taking their juice box and tossing it into the “paper” bin, get your child into the habit of taking it or the pop-can to the recycling bins. I was honored to receive the 2012 CCAEYC Trainer of the Year Award. Appreciation and understanding of the natural environment surrounding us begins at a young age. These cookies will be stored in your browser only with your consent. You also have the option to opt-out of these cookies. Moving away from the purely practical, recycled materials can also be a creative playground for kids. She is also a co-author of the book 99 Fine Motor Ideas for Ages 1 to 5 and the brand new 100 Fine Motor Ideas for Parents, Teachers & Therapists! It’s great to teach kids that the environment is important, but helping them engage in meaningful action, like recycling, is an even better way of making the message stick. Your email address will not be published. Kinderland has always been a strong advocate of hands-on learning and we believe that children can make a difference. Teach About the Benefits of Recycling Whenever I try to promote a certain behavior, I start by explaining why it is important. Being well-versed in recycling practices from an early age will hopefully make students aware that they should demand recycling programs from their municipalities, lobby for their improvement and participate in them as citizens. If you are a school, you have a role to play in ensuring that your students can reap these benefits of recycling by making sustainability a focus of their education. Whether it be in the classroom, at home, or outside. In this art project activity children can recycle materials to use for painting and can explore the letters of the alphabet, too. Speaking of recycling properly, recycling education for the young’uns is not just about what the 3Rs are but how to do them! As they do this, talk about what is and is not recyclable and what happens to recyclables when they are taken by the recycling truck. Educating children about the importance of protecting and preserving the environment is equally significant, but what is the best way to explain to kids the Reduce, Reuse, Recycle program? Today I’m sharing a way you can help your kids learn about the environment and the importance of not littering. Teaching Children About the Importance of Recycling All parents would say they want to leave a better place for their children. Earn Recyclebank points by recycling and taking green actions and use points for rewards. From recycling old homework assignments and broken toys, to taking a reusable water bottle to school, kids can make an impact that will only increase as they get older. Your email address will not be published. Any cookies that may not be particularly necessary for the website to function and is used specifically to collect user personal data via analytics, ads, other embedded contents are termed as non-necessary cookies. A good recycled crafts to try is using a cardboard carton, laying it on its side, cutting a hole out and then filling the carton with compost to plant seeds in. When it comes to the planet, actions truly speak louder than words. Creating opportunities for young students to visit recycling plants or trash centers can help them understand the sheer quantity of waste and put an image to these statistics. Recycling is of great importance for many reasons. Humans need a healthy and safe Earth on which to continue living. They are easy to make and you end up with the perfect little instruments for music time! Introducing the subject of sustainability in conjunction with a productive activity like recycling can make that conversation more empowering, giving kids hope that their actions as consumers can make a difference. How about reusing? It is also a great fine motor skill challenge and makes for fun sensory play with a little science mixed in, too. Have them place alphabet stickers on construction paper. Here are 10 activities that teach kids about recycling that you can use to spark exploration about the environment with your little ones. The Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) offers a multitude of resources related to America Recycles Day, including an energy saving calculator. Recycle plastic eggs after Easter and make upcycled plastic egg music shakers out of them. Teaching children to care for the environment is a learning experience that is an important part of growing up. Make a bird feeder. Recycling can be done pretty much anywhere, in educational centres or other public areas, at home or outdoors. With Earth Day right around the corner, this simple paper plate weaving activity is a fun way to spark discussion with your students about stewardship of the earth while encouraging creativity! Include signs for paper, plastic, cans, and glass. Talking about recycling also provides the opportunity for kids to learn about where products come from. As an early childhood trainer, I have spoken to thousands of teachers in person at popular early childhood conferences such as Frog Street Splash, I Teach K! The value-action gap—our tendency to express pro-environmental attitudes without coupling them with pro-environmental behavior—is a persistent hurdle for environmentalists and policymakers alike. As more and more households and businesses go green, it’s helpful for parents to take the time to teach the next generation how to recycle and why it is important. In learning how to recycle, children are exposed to a host of other learning possibilities. Recycling needn’t be an add-on to the day’s learning. Today, we’re sharing a compost and recycling sorting activity for toddlers and preschoolers. Check out this video of kids visiting a recycling plant in Northern Ireland. Recycling also saves money. They can add their items to the recycling center in the classroom. Given that recycling is about a process—the creation of materials, their subsequent use, and their disposal, it offers plenty of facets to explore. Learn more about how to make your Lifestyle sustainable with Recyclebank. Recycling with preschoolers is a simple way to teach them about taking care of their environment. Preschoolers can help make signs for the recycling bins. This is one of those activities that demonstrates how much cheaper it is to use … I'm Vanessa Levin, an early childhood teacher, consultant, public speaker, and author. If you have a family compost bin in … Teaching children about the importance of recycling is easy if we lead by example. This is also a great opportunity to discuss other ways we can care for the environment by reducing what we use, reusing what we can, and recycling! Filed Under: earth day, Lesson Plans Tagged With: book activities, earth day, recycle, science. Keep the great ideas coming! BIO: Samantha writes at Stir the Wonder, sharing creative, hands-on learning activities for preschoolers including fine motor, STEM, and book-inspired activities. Teaching Preschoolers The Importance of Environmental Protection. Sensory Play for Earth Day (Pre-K Pages) – Animals are a vital part of planet Earth and it’s a wonderful idea to celebrate them on Earth Day. Try some fun recycling activities as children learn some important concepts along the way. Five Lessons Teach Students To Reduce, Reuse, Recycle Earth Day, first celebrated in 1970, is just around the corner. Recycled Art (No Time for Flash Cards) – Using a collection of recycled objects this is a great Earth day process art activity. What better way to impart the message that we don’t need to be fervent consumers to create incredible things for ourselves? Mar 28, 2016 - Earth Day is a great time to be teaching recycling to preschoolers; make a recycling center for kids to sort items and think about caring for the world. Because the environment is central to children’s health and development, it is best to introduce kids recycle projects when your child is still young so that she can build life-long, environmentally-friendly habits early on. Start simple by teaching kids to recycle plastic, aluminum, glass, and paper. Teaching Students About The Environment Through Reusable Products, Why Single-Use Products are Bad for Business, Useful Equipment Needed For Online Teaching, 5 University Swag Ideas For an Open Day that Students Will Love, 7 Useful At-home College Student Giveaway Ideas, The Importance Of Teaching Kids About Recycling. The climate crisis is already our greatest global challenge, and its importance will only increase for the generation born today. 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