So the content and style is affected by the purpose for which you are writing, but those things have less of an impact on organisation. There are, to be honest, a bountiful number of features in leaflets (as with articles) that relate to presentation: colour, font, size, logos, italics, underlining, bold, capitalisation… I could go on. More detailed features of an article - A strapline (seperate to title) - Subheadings for paragraphs - Topic sentences - Counter-argument Minimum features of a leaflet Post was not sent - check your email addresses! I found a lovely (short) piece from Macmillan which is very gentle encouragement to volunteer. file persuasive charity leaflet examples ebook pdf. Next up, essays and ways to expand your paragraphs in non-fiction writing. It is the anonymous third person throughout. Most of these are the realms of a designer, not a writer. It finishes with a call to action, “donate now” and what was informative on the other pages has now become a direct attempt to persuade you to donate. But not much more. Change ), You are commenting using your Twitter account. Headings/sub headings -different sizes/fonts Paragraphs – clearly written & in the present tense Any persuasive slogans or persuasive language? Two things, then, that you can do to start you off. They are not things for you to do on your GCSE paper: I don’t care if you’re trying to emulate the clarity and simplicity of a sans serif font, or if you’re using colour (Don’t! Likewise with order. But the bullet points are a new thing. Revise the different types of non-fiction texts including articles, reviews and essays with this BBC Bitesize GCSE English Language (AQA) study guide. This is why you so often find them paired up with informative writing, though. Fill in your details below or click an icon to log in: You are commenting using your account. “Swimming is one of the best…” and you can see clearly there how impersonal it is. When was the last time you read an ‘assured and compelling’ leaflet? Whistle and I'll come for you: Susan Hill for Edexcel IGCSE. In fact, you could largely take the text off many websites and put happily into a leaflet without much of a change. To finish, there is a yellow call-out box (posh name for information/advice in a separate box to make it stand out because it’s important) which is something you may wish to do too. And you can see, unlike a letter, it has the address at the bottom with all the other ways you can get in touch. Let’s look at organisational aspects of both kinds of leaflet. Follow English Teaching Resources on, The Bright Lights of Sarajevo - a SCASI reading, Thoughts on Significant Cigarettes: Rose Tremain. Find out more about how you can have your say here. Words, words, words... well said Hamlet! Doing better in GCSE English language To achieve a grade C in GCSE English language examinations your students need to be able to show that they can do all of the following, not just by chance, but because they understand and are confident in Photos, drawings or diagrams Useful information - prices how … Whilst our personal style is useful in articles, letters and speeches, there shouldn’t be a single whiff of it in a leaflet. an example leaflet on watching too much TV and analysis grid. You can see a lot of the organisational features remain the same… heading, subheadings, the bullet point list, the call-out box with a call to action, the call to action at the end with the imperative verbs and speculative ‘If you need…’ with the usual multiple “couldn’t be easier” methods of contact. Change ), You are commenting using your Google account. Nobody should be able to see YOU behind the curtains in the execution of a leaflet. Last time, I was looking at what features make up a letter, trying to define the ineffable qualities of ‘letterness’ so that you aren’t relying on simply sticking an address at the beginning, along with a Dear Sir and hoping for the best. The call-out on this page is very different, with much more development. What I care about most, though, is whether or not you can write like a leaflet writer. 2 *P45920RA0220* SECTION A Answer ALL questions. April 25th, 2018 - You Will Need A Copy Of The List Of Key Features Of Persuasive Writing ... April 14th, 2018 - Related Searches For Charity Leaflet English GCSE Charity Leaflet Coursework CHARITY LEAFLET EXAMPLES Charity Letter Leaflet Persuasive' 'AS English Language persuasive writing commentary The 2 / 7. Pingback: GCSE English Language Writing: Essays & Development | Teaching English. Say, for example, you’re selling a smartphone that offers a better screen than others. Not a feature of leaflets alone. Answers are included where relevant. BEACH SAFETY wouldn’t be the worst title in the world. GCSE English: Features of Advertising Introduction. Not under any circumstance!). This resource accompanies “Text types drag and drop activity” by Laura Jeffrey Kiiza. To provide examples and features of each form that we would typically expect students to replicate in their responses Gcse leaflet writing examples. Couple that with my preferences for semi-colons, hyphens and dashes and if I wrote a ransom or kidnap letter, you’d be pretty likely to be able to work out that I was behind it. We may find them in an article. On posters, on television, in the street etc. Today it’s number 4: the leaflet. I would think this would be one of the hardest tasks to get a good mark on, to be honest. As you can see, from the beginning it sounds namelessly authoritative. facts and statistics on benefits of exercises to support the task. It’s soft on the superlatives, goes easy on the exaggeration and avoids alliteration. As a final note, I will say that although tabloid paragraphs are entirely appropriate and easy to replicate, it’s one convention of articles and leaflets that I’d steer clear of. ( Log Out /  Headings/subheadings-different sizes/fonts Paragraphs – … It is one of the factors that makes them sound genuine. What you’ve got here is effectively the back and the front. There is also a call to action at the end of the section. ( Log Out /  Again, it explains the mission of the group. bbc bitesize ks3 english analysing persuasive texts. compare two advertising leaflets for the rspca and. They are a little different, and we’ll look at those too. You can find the other posts on letters, articles and speeches if you click on the links. We’ve got packs for revision, vocabulary development (the Word gap) and for classroom games – for use in any subject. Again, don’t bother with the columns. Let’s look a little closer at that impersonal style. From the Tudors to Tom Hardy's Tess, or from the Wars of the Roses to Wuthering Heights, feel free to browse through my musings to pick up extra ideas and points for discussion! Seriously, you couldn’t make that up, could you? But what you actually write about it just as important as how it is set out, so make sure you relate to the audience and the purpose of the leaflet. . Search for Sarah on Page 1 of 4 L1-2 Functional English, GCSE English. You MAY see boxes and bullet points then. No personality. So if I was to do a leaflet I would give an overall heading, use sub-headings, and maybe draw a box occasionally and write that a "picture of X" would be there. Often they come through your letter box as junk mail. Build your leaflet around these features, and translate them into lifestyle benefits. Articles and Leaflets podcast to accompany revision session Learn how your comment data is processed. The different purposes of a leaflet (with task) A note on planning and identifying the purpose, audience and format (with quick task). Besides words, there are many visual tools which writers use, called 'presentational devices'. They are transactional. You need to demonstrate to the examiner that you have the ability to critically evaluate these features and not just identify them- what I call 'feature spotting'. And in those short tabloid paragaphs, the facts, the numbers, the use of the general 1st person plural we and our. At the bottom grades, you’re working on things like:  the use of a simple title a powerpoint to introduce purpose,audience and key features of leaflet. That is what my students do! A leaflet is not always a transaction. It is simple and clear. Most charities seem to have made a shift to information-sharing rather than out and out appeals for money, so there are not so many examples of hard-core selling these days. As a further aside that is probably only interesting to me, this is how they work out if Shakespeare is really the author of his plays and how they’d work out if a play turned up that someone thought was really a lost work of Shakespeare. If you did, I bet it was the pictures that captured your attention. Paper 2 Section B Writing Tasks Assessment objectives (marks) AO1 0 AO2 Advertising is all around us wherever we go. Night: Alice Munro, thoughts on family - not a model answer. It’s also got lots of second person direct address. If you want a Grade 9, think 22+. Preparing young people for the future with lessons from the past. We literally encounter it every day, and in all kinds of ways. my ideas and thoughts on teaching Secondary School English. Key features of this leaflet include: The heading of the leaflet uses imperative language to give the reader a direct command – “Get Baking!” The subheading “to help you get baking” … A podcast has been added to assist with revision. A site to share my resources for secondary English teaching. Unlike the other three, which will have largely different openings and endings, and largely similar middles (with a few special tweaks), leaflets are kind of different all the way through. Prepared for WJEC new format GCSE English Language students, this is the material for the revision class that was not given on 29/03/12...Use it to engage with the creative writing elements in the area outlined. The reason is that you are asked to develop your ideas. Can I recognise the key features of a leaflet? The language is simple. We’ll look a little at those. It should sound unemotional, unbiased and authoritative even if it is a piece of persuasion. Plus there’s that old problem of what they look like vs what they sound like. Our design team have come up with this top 10 list of essential features every leaflet must have: #1 Brand Colours and Logo One of the things they do is look at idiosyncratic or personal styles of punctuation, idea-organisation, spelling and writing to find the ‘fingerprints’ in our writing. ( Log Out /  Not in any way different than the RNLI one. You may also want to use subheadings in both. Features of persuasive texts Name _____ Date _____ Jan 2018. Subheading: “True Story” – so a lengthy anecdote then. When I feel the need, I do, but generally I look for stimuli and discussion. The heading is just ‘Bike’ (aids searchability on search engines – which leaflets don’t have to care about) but there is a call-out box (or circle in this case). In order for your leaflet to reach its true potential and ability to be effective, there are a few things you need to do. ', There's more to life than books, you know. This is very similar to Writing to Explain and Writing to Inform (which are covered on other parts of this web site - … In this section, you see the general first-person pronoun ‘we’. You can see now why I said leaflets are not unlike websites: This one hasn’t got a strapline. Silvia. Presentational devices include: titles, headings, subtitles, illustrations, captions, white space, the use of colour, and more. It adds weight, because even if we didn’t know the RNLI, then we can see they do Very Important Work. ( Log Out /  No humour. Boxes are on the AQA list of stuff for leaflets. With the 8 ‘bands’ of marking roughly equating to 4 levels (upper and lower) which are then sorted into 9 grades. 6. Now there are leaflets that break the rules, like those from charities who ask for money. No I think or we believe. Change ), You are commenting using your Facebook account. The anecdote is simple enough. Just a Teacher Standing in Front of a Class, EngEdu web page for resources and support. If you change your mind about an ... Identify two features of the chairs that can help to reduce backache. AO6 Candidates must use a range of vocabulary and sentence structures for clarity, purpose GCSE English Language Writing Types: Leaflet, GCSE English Language Writing: Essays & Development | Teaching English. You’ve got a mix of speculative “if you…” points and imperatives, “Stay… Keep… Raise” which goes with the general inform/advise purpose of the leaflet. All questions must be answered with a cross in a box . You’ll notice that, unlike articles, there is no waffly build-up. Leaflets should not have any of these unique peculiarities, any of these personal peccadillos. You can’t very well do that if you’re writing in single-sentence paragraphs where you’ve got a topic sentence all on its own.  effectively/fluently sequenced paragraphs. When I mark work, if I don’t know the student, I have no way of knowing that the student can develop their paragraphs or not, and markers can’t just go around inferring that the writer can or can’t. Colons can be used to introduce a bullet point list, as you can see here. Thank you, Jonathan, for sending this useful review material. This site uses Akismet to reduce spam. Whilst there may not be any personal tone or pronouns, there is often a big biography to help add authenticity and validity to the leaflet. It’s speculative: “if you see… then do this…”. The UK government has announced that there will be no formal GCSE, AS or A level exams in summer 2021, and Ofqual is consulting on assessment arrangements. It says exactly what it is. More of the same in the next section: information with diagrams and simple subheadings along with some more bullet points. Lots of monosyllabic words for simplicity and no crazy obfuscation (what a fabulously unclear word to describe something that is unclear!). It’s simple. this is good but I think there is a need of example. Simple, clear vocabulary and simple, clear sentences. Articles, letters and speeches usually have some ‘I’s in there somewhere – it wouldn’t be inappropriate. Again, you might find something like that in an article. International GCSE. If columns and a box where a picture is supposed to go are all you know about leaflets, well… it’s a very good job you’re here! So what can we see that you can use to help you sound leaflet-like? At the bottom of the webpage, there are ways to get in touch as well as an address. Keep them coming,  bullet points . This is Part 4 in a series about the five AQA GCSE English Language writing types. And once you’ve removed the old columns-colours-and-pictures bit, where does that leave you? Kindly contributed by Sarah Penneck, Kingston College. . Not likely to find them in a speech. Leaflet Presentational features Language features 1 2 8. ... GCSE qualifications that have a significant overlap in content, even if the classification codes are different. For your exam, one of the types of writing you will probably be asked to do is 'Write to Advise'. When there is no evidence of development, it makes a little hard to tick a mental box to say the ideas are well developed. Fairly unlikely to find them in a letter. Nope. The paragraphs are fairly short – what I might call tabloid paragraphs. It is also a “Call To Action”, which we’ve seen can be an effective way to end an article or a speech. They have some features of articles, and their content is largely based on what the purpose is, but most students get a bit stuck when they get to leaflets. This is where you’ll find facts and statistics, numbers, dates, wikipedia-type stuff. Like the call-out box, it’s another thing specifically mentioned by AQA as a feature of leaflets that you might want to use. So, what do AQA say leaflets might look and sound like? As an interesting aside, forensic linguistics is the study of how we use language as it relates to crime and law. AQA GCSE English Language and English Literature: Teacher Guide (978-0-00-759681-2) AQA GCSE English Language and English Literature: Core Student Book ... and grammatical features to support coherence and cohesion of texts. Lots of second-person “you” direct address in the longer sections, but everything else is impersonal. And they may have the occasional writer biography, which you know I am a fan of. Change ), You are commenting using your Google account. You don’t simply say ‘it has a better screen’. Just cold hard assertion or assertion-as-fact. Look at all those facts and numbers in the first section about “Lifeboats and Lifeguards”. Have you seen our templates packs? leaflet writing presentation slideshare. Most of these are the realms of a designer, not a writer. People will only read your leaflet if it is immediately appealing. analysis of a charity leaflet for water aid gcse english. 2. Good writing isn't only about content, but about presentation. Nothing that can be misunderstood. Change ), You are commenting using your Twitter account. ( Log Out /  ON THE BEACH is clear and simple. But if you were to underline words or go over them to make them bold, or use capitals, well, I wouldn’t be averse to that. What can a middle aged English teacher possibly find to write about? They have a lot in common with websites, by the way, especially the static kind where the information doesn’t change much. . Once again, they fall into the trap of what they look like rather than what they sound like, and that means most students fall a bit short of the mark when it comes to whether or not you can create an authentic, realistic piece of writing. to make the best that has been thought and known in the world current everywhere . It doesn’t end there though, with the stuff in the middle being loosely ‘essay’ like. 1. Change ). Thanks fir the comment – as I write them, I post them! You can also see the first introductory informative sentence. Not a triple, tripartite or rule of three to be seen. Designing a LeafletGRAMMATICAL FEATURES:1) A range of different tenses They are usually written in the present tense, employing emotive language and often using metaphors and similes.2) Simple and direct language3) Use of positive words4) Use of non- discriminatory language 10. 1. The following are important features of this specification. But you do find persuasive ones too. GCSE English Language (8700) Aims: To provide additional guidance (beyond that set out in the specification and Launch and Preparing to teach materials) on the range of forms, purposes and audiences that we will select from in setting this question To provide examples and features of each form that we would typically expect students to Handout to help pupils prepare a leaflet. You won’t have photos to depend on to attract the reader. Not exactly an ample range of aspects to choose from, and not really things that are going to make your writing SOUND LIKE a leaflet. an example of weak leaflet and a strong leaflet for students to … Indeed, search for letterness + “fragrant romp” and there is precisely one page listed on Google: mine. How to analyse a leaflet 5. FACTFILE:˜˚˛˝˜˙ˆˇ˘ GCSE fiflfi DAS CHEMISTRY : UNIT 1.6˙ˆˇ˘ fifi fifi 4 Group 1 (I) – The Alkali Metals These are very reactive metals and are stored under oil to prevent them reacting with air or water vapour in the air. Only English teachers could devise a situation like that. Surely then that’s also the same as an article? Change ). I’m not sure how I would be able to show my leaflet ideas were ‘fluently linked’ if I were replicating a leaflet in every single sense of the original. Giving your leaflet the best start . In the headings and subheadings, you can see those questions (which are then answered in the text), the imperative Make… the direct address, a colon introducing a list. First, you have a screenshot of part of a leaflet from an old Edexcel GCSE source text from the RNLI about beach safety. A letter and a speech SHOULD have you giving a little away about yourself. Designed for students taking AQA GCSE English language paper 2. Sorry, your blog cannot share posts by email. There are few contractions, no it’ll but the dash instead of a colon on the second line, and the you’re in the third paragraph, are slightly less formal and a little more chatty. Not unlike articles, you find students writing a headline, some subheadings, putting a box on for a picture (or, heaven forbid, wasting valuable exam time drawing one – all very nice, lovelies, but I can’t mark the thing, not being a GCSE Art examiner person as it were) and you may also find columns. There’s an imperative call to action: “Sign up for…” and a logo. Anyhow, if you’re aiming for a 5, think about 14 or 15, and if you’re aiming for Grade 7, think about 18 or 19. Design.  a clear/apt/original title So, I’m ruling out ‘sections’ or paragraphs (and their effective or fluent links) because they’re given as guidance for all five of the writing types you may be asked to produce for Paper 2 of your GCSE English Language. Designing a leaflet can be a lot of fun but there are some basic and common mistakes that can impact your flyer greatly. Presentational features refer to the way a text is set out on a page, which can include for example the use of images and colour, logos, slogans, shapes, font style and size etc. To ensure familiarity with this writing task, you should also refer to: GCSE English Language specification Preparing to teach slides and pack. That’s because the purpose is to inform, advise and maybe to persuade you a little. Writing tasks: letters and leaflets AQA GCSE Paper 2 revision letter and leaflet A detailed resource guiding students through the different language used in different forms. It is often a closed bit of a thing that doesn’t require a response. Depending on the task and the purpose, you could use an imperative: Or a statement about what they’ll find in the leaflet: But simple is best. ( Log Out /  Prepared for WJEC new format GCSE English Language students, this is the material for the revision class that was not given on 29/03/12…Use it to engage with the creative writing elements in the area outlined. I do not believe in spoon feeding or encouraging plagiarism. Leaflets are impersonal to the extreme. ( Log Out /  charity letter leaflet persuasive scribd. Notice how it’s got the third-person introduction, “Carolynne Yard will never forget”, and then it goes into 1st person with the whole thing framed in speech marks? You can also see the bold too. On the right, there is another box with a subheading, “RIPS”, and a diagram. Ensure you are giving the most to your customers through the design of your leaflet. persuasive essay sample. Thoughts and ideas about words, stories and what works best in the classroom and beyond, ' . You’ve also got a summary strapline: “Your guide to a safe and fun time at the seaside”, That’s clear – and if your heading is cryptic, you’ll need a clear strapline. An icon to Log in: you are commenting using your Google account your. Young people for the future with lessons from the beginning it sounds namelessly authoritative different. Bullet point list, as you can see now why I said leaflets not! We use Language features of a leaflet gcse it relates to crime and law Part of a simple title  devices! And ideas about words, words, words, stories and what works best in first. To develop your ideas 9, think 22+ as inventive subheadings or boxes  points. We use Language as it relates to crime and law Essays & Development | Teaching English their! Not sent - check your email addresses know I am a fan.. 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