With 98% of its students going on to attend college/university, Trident Academy ensures individualized, creative attention that produces results. After The Vanguard School was directly hit by three hurricanes in 2004, the entire campus was renovated or rebuilt, and the school, started in 1960, re-opened with new dormitories, classrooms, administrative buildings, clinic, and a Visual and Performing Arts Center. The editors have attempted to create as geographically diverse a selection as possible while representing the schools which best fall under the methodology. Profile: co-ed day school for grades 4-12 Student-Faculty Ratio: 5:1 Awards: certified as a 2014 Maryland Green School by The Maryland Association of Environmental and Outdoor Education (MAEOE) Tuition: $33,856/year grades 4-8; $35,463/year grades 9-12. Special Education. The school offers physical, occupational, and artistic therapy, and emphasizes a strong community comprised of students, faculty, parents, and volunteers. Steinthal Secondary School. The historic grounds provide a peaceful setting for students with learning differences and communication needs to focus on academic subjects and personal progress. Each month the entire school is devoted to explaining and fostering a particular character value, such as pride, respect, or self-advocacy, and students are encouraged to recognize and apply the value within their daily lives. Teachers and counselors work with each student to provide the most appropriate program, and while many students are taught according to grade-level standards, the school also offers its Trailblazers program, in which students of several ages gather together in a more individualized setting to work at a suitable pace. !c,l=e.attrs.length,f=new Array(l),p=0;p=0&&i[a].lowerCasedTag!==s;a--);else a=0;if(a>=0){for(var u=i.length-1;u>=a;u--)t.end&&t.end(i[u].tag,n,o);i.length=a,r=a&&i[a-1].tag}else"br"===s?t.start&&t.start(e,[],!0,n,o):"p"===s&&(t.start&&t.start(e,[],!1,n,o),t.end&&t.end(e,n,o))}A()}(e,{warn:$o,expectHTML:t.expectHTML,isUnaryTag:t.isUnaryTag,canBeLeftOpenTag:t.canBeLeftOpenTag,shouldDecodeNewlines:t.shouldDecodeNewlines,shouldDecodeNewlinesForHref:t.shouldDecodeNewlinesForHref,shouldKeepComment:t.comments,start:function(e,o,u){var l=r&&r.ns||So(e);K&&"svg"===l&&(o=function(e){for(var t=[],n=0;n]*>)","i")),p=e.replace(f,function(e,n,r){return u=r.length,po(l)||"noscript"===l||(n=n.replace(//g,"$1").replace(/-1? The Cottage School combines small class sizes, a workplace model and the implementation of study skills to provide students grades 4-12 with mild to moderate learning differences an opportunity to achieve success. "+pf_params;document.getElementsByTagName("head")[0].appendChild(script)}function setLastUsedZipCode(n){localStorage.setItem("lastUsedZipCode",n);raiseEvent("lastUsedZipCodeChanged","")}function getLastUsedZipCode(){var i=localStorage.getItem("lastUsedZipCode"),t,n;return i?i:(t=JSON.parse(localStorage.getItem("geoLocation")),n=t?t.postal.code:"",n)? Every student has individual learning abilities. Students have the opportunity to participate in art programs, sports, foreign language courses, and independent studies. The Early Start program offers occupational and speech therapy, and students meet with a reading specialist and psychologist to ensure preparedness for Kindergarten and beyond. (r=e,"_e("+JSON.stringify(r.text)+")"):"_v("+(2===(n=e).type?n.expression:$a(JSON.stringify(n.text)))+")";var n,r}function ba(e){for(var t="",n=0;n
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