[54] He also wrote off multiple debts including 300 lire that his sister-in-law owed him, and others for the convent of San Giovanni, San Paolo of the Order of Preachers, and a cleric named Friar Benvenuto. (Routledge Studies in the Early History of Asia.) [24]​, Procede de Jacopo d'Acqui la anécdota, significativa de las dudas que ya en su momento suscitaron sus relatos, de que en su lecho de muerte su familia pidió a Marco que corrigiese o eliminase de sus historias todo lo que no fuese cierto. Many problems were caused by the oral transmission of the original text and the proliferation of significantly different hand-copied manuscripts. [109] Haw also argues in his book Marco Polo's China that Marco's account is much more correct and accurate than has often been supposed and that it is extremely unlikely that he could have obtained all the information in his book from second-hand sources. [10]​, Marco Polo nació en 1254 en una familia de mercaderes. Celebre viajero, mercader, explorador, Marco Polo, nace en septiembre del año 1254 en la antigua República de Venecia, al noreste de Italia.Fue uno de los primeros viajeros en documentar detalladamente sus viajes entre Europa y China, acción que inspiraría a varios a emprender aventuras, sus travesías fueron clave para los avances en la cartografía europea, también fue … La familia Polo entró al patriciado veneciano en el siglo XIV, bastante después de la Serrata del Consejo Mayor. [20], However, since also his father Niccolò was nicknamed Milione,[21] 19th-century philologist Luigi Foscolo Benedetto was persuaded that Milione was a shortened version of Emilione, and that this nickname was used to distinguish Niccolò's and Marco's branch from other Polo families. [93] Many have questioned whether he had visited the places he mentioned in his itinerary, whether he had appropriated the accounts of his father and uncle or other travelers, and some doubted whether he even reached China, or that if he did, perhaps never went beyond Khanbaliq (Beijing). Las narraciones afirman que Marco Polo permaneció 23 años al servicio de Kublai Kan, emperador de Mongolia y China, llegando a ser gobernador durante tres años de la ciudad china de Yangzhou y volviendo a Venecia en 1295. Algunos autores afirman que Marco Polo (o también a veces incluso Maffeo y Niccoló) solo llegó a algún lugar de Asia central, como Bujará o Karakórum y que todos los detalles sobre China proceden de escritos persas o relatos de segunda mano. Asiatische Studien 51.3 (1997): 719-728", "The Travels of Marco Polo – World Digital Library", "The most noble and famous travels of Marco Polo, together with the travels of Nicoláo de' Conti", "Frammento del "Milione" di Marco Polo – RIALFrI", "Apologia de'padri domenicani missionarii della China, o pvro risposta al libro del P. Le Tellier ... intitolato "difesa de nuovi Cristiani" ...", "Galleria de'Sommi Pontefici, patriarchi, arcivescovi, e vescovi dell'ordine de'Predicatori. Marco Polo was born in 1254 in Venice, capital of the Venetian Republic. [113] Igor de Rachewiltz's review, which refutes Wood's points, concludes with a strongly-worded condemnation: "I regret to say that F. W.'s book falls short of the standard of scholarship that one would expect in a work of this kind. No figura en ninguna fuente histórica china o mongol. Su padre Niccolo y su tío Maffeo eran comerciantes venecianos que negocian en la ruta de la seda; padre de Marco poco se fue para Asia antes del nacimiento del niño, y que volvería cuando el niño era un adolescente.Puede que no haya dado … Finalmente también fue Marco Polo el que más lejos viajó gracias a las circunstancias de su tiempo y, gracias a ello, Europa empezó a conocer a través del libro lugares que no se conocieron antes como Japón, Indonesia e Indochina. ", Since the siege was over in 1273, before Marco Polo had arrived in China for the first time, the claim cannot be true[115][124] The Mongol army that besieged Xiangyang did have foreign military engineers, but they were mentioned in Chinese sources as being from Baghdad and had Arabic names. [32]​, También se ha argumentado que en los testamentos de los Polo, estaban a su muerte todavía en posesión de varias paiza de oro auténticas, los salvoconductos que se describen como procedentes del Gran Kan en persona («magnifici chan tartarorum»), abriendo también la posibilidad de que la de Marco proviniera de su tío Maffeo. He was released in 1299, became a wealthy merchant, married, and had three children. Sin embargo, no era posible que un hombre, aun dotado de una portentosa fantasía, imaginara todo aquello. He also noted that the only Persian source that mentions the princess was not completed until 1310–11, therefore Marco Polo could not have learned the information from any Persian book. In one instance during their trip, the Polos joined a caravan of travelling merchants whom they crossed paths with. According to David Morgan no Chinese source mentions him as either a friend of the Emperor or as the governor of Yangzhou – indeed no Chinese source mentions Marco Polo at all. [125][126], A number of errors in Marco Polo's account have been noted: for example, he described the bridge later known as Marco Polo Bridge as having twenty-four arches instead of eleven or thirteen. For other uses, see, Italian explorer and merchant noted for travel to central and eastern Asia, Notable foreigners who visited pre-Qing China, CS1 maint: multiple names: authors list (, sfn error: no target: CITEREFNoule&Pelliot1938 (, Zorzi, Alvise, Vita di Marco Polo veneziano, Rusconi Editore, 1982. freres et lor filz meser Marc. [76] They were highly respected and sought after in the Mongolian court, and so Kublai Khan decided to decline the Polos' requests to leave China. Marco Polo nació probablemente en Venecia, aunque no hay ninguna prueba de su lugar de nacimiento, alrededor de 1254 la CE. [122], Haw explains how the earliest manuscripts of Polo's accounts provide contradicting information about his role in Yangzhou, with some stating he was just a simple resident, others stating he was a governor, and Ramusio's manuscript claiming he was simply holding that office as a temporary substitute for someone else, yet all the manuscripts concur that he worked as an esteemed emissary for the khan. As part of this appointment, Marco travelled extensively inside China, living in the emperor's lands for 17 years. Boyle, J.A. [8] His travel book inspired Christopher Columbus[9] and many other travellers. It is possible that he became a government official;[29] he wrote about many imperial visits to China's southern and eastern provinces, the far south and Burma. Divisata con cinque cronologie. "[122] He points out that Polo never claimed to hold high rank, such as a darughachi, who led a tumen – a unit that was normally 10,000 strong. Marco Polo was a Venetian explorer known for the book The Travels of Marco Polo, which describes his voyage to and experiences in Asia. They followed the suggestion of Theobald Visconti, then papal legate for the realm of Egypt, and returned to Venice in 1269 or 1270 to await the nomination of the new Pope, which allowed Marco to see his father for the first time, at the age of fifteen or sixteen. Proveniente de una familia ilustre de mercaderes, a sus 17 años empieza a viajar junto con su padre, Niccolò, [36], They continued overland until they arrived at Kublai Khan's place in Shangdu, China (then known as Cathay). Llegaron a Acre, donde se encontraron de nuevo con Tedaldo Visconti, que quizá estaba allí en relación con la cruzada en la que estaba embarcado el futuro rey Eduardo I de Inglaterra. Los intercambios comerciales se encontraban casi siempre mediatizados por persas y árabes. A Critical Appraisal by I. de Rachewiltz", "Jensen, Jørgen. [62][82], Latham also argued that Rustichello may have glamorised Polo's accounts, and added fantastic and romantic elements that made the book a bestseller. Foi daquelas terras que Marco Polo trouxe a bússola, que depois permitiu aos europeus empreenderem as expedições marítimas que conduziram à descoberta de novas terras. A primeira tradução portuguesa foi impressa em 1508, com o título “Livro de Marco Polo”. ISBN 0 415 34850 1", "Pierre Racine, " Marco Polo, marchand ou reporter ? [8] A data e localização exatas são desconhecidas. . The 1938 English translation by A.C. Moule and Paul Pelliot is based on a Latin manuscript found in the library of the Cathedral of Toledo in 1932, and is 50% longer than other versions. These conjectures seem to be supported by the fact that in addition to the imperial dignitary Saman (the one who had arrested the official named "Boluo"), the documents mention his brother, Xiangwei. Let Marco Polo help you make the most of your trip. They sailed to Acre, and then rode on camels to the Persian port of Hormuz. La elección del nuevo papa se retrasaba (acabaría siendo la más prolongada de la historia) así que Niccolò y Maffeo iniciaron el viaje de regreso a la corte de Kublai Kan en 1271, pero esta vez acompañados por Marco, que ya tenía diecisiete años. "[136], Other lesser-known European explorers had already travelled to China, such as Giovanni da Pian del Carpine, but Polo's book meant that his journey was the first to be widely known. Peng, Hai, 2010, "Makeboluolaihuashishi", Beijing: Zhongguo she hui ke xue chu ban she. [56], He divided up the rest of his assets, including several properties, among individuals, religious institutions, and every guild and fraternity to which he belonged. vii, 214 pp. [127] Archaeologists have also pointed out that Polo may have mixed up the details from the two attempted invasions of Japan by Kublai Khan in 1274 and 1281. In 1292, Kublai's great-nephew, then ruler of Persia, sent representatives to China in search of a potential wife, and they asked the Polos to accompany them, so they were permitted to return to Persia with the wedding party—which left that same year from Zaitun in southern China on a fleet of 14 junks. Marco Polo (c.1254–January 8, 1324) was a Venetian merchant and explorer who followed in the footsteps of his father and uncle. Marco Polo is most often mentioned in the archives of the Republic of Venice as Marco Paulo de confinio Sancti Iohannis Grisostomi,[19] which means Marco Polo of the contrada of St John Chrysostom Church. In 1261 Michael VIII Palaiologos, the ruler of the Empire of Nicaea, took Constantinople, promptly burned the Venetian quarter and re-established the Byzantine Empire. Cuando una embajada del rey de Persia le solicita a Kublai Kan una princesa para el rey, los Polo la acompañan, decidiendo regresar a Venecia. [nb 2], In 1851, a three-masted clipper built in Saint John, New Brunswick also took his name; the Marco Polo was the first ship to sail around the world in under six months. Biografía de Marco Polo nació el 15 de Septiembre de 1254 en Venecia y falleció a sus 69 años, el 8 o 9 (no se sabe exactamente) de Enero de 1324, igualmente en Venecia. The three of them embarked on an epic journey to Asia, exploring many places along the Silk Road until they reached Cathay (China). A Venetian in the Realm of Khubilai Khan. [94][100] This is taken further by Dr. Frances Wood who claimed in her 1995 book Did Marco Polo Go to China? Polo had at times refuted the 'marvellous' fables and legends given in other European accounts, and despite some exaggerations and errors, Polo's accounts have relatively few of the descriptions of irrational marvels. [71] He also inquired about the Pope and Church in Rome. No obstante, hay quienes afirman que su verdadero nombre y apellido eran Marc Pol, apellido que, efectivamente, tuvo su primera aparición en Dalmacia. Born in Venice, Marco learned the mercantile trade from his father and his uncle, Niccolò and Maffeo, who travelled through Asia and met Kublai Khan. Tras desviarse a Jerusalén para hacerse con el aceite de la lámpara del Santo Sepulcro, siguieron viaje hasta Layas donde se enteraron de que la elección papal había recaído precisamente en Tedaldo Visconti, que adoptó el nombre de Gregorio X. Regresaron de inmediato a Acre, en una galera facilitada por el rey León III de Armenia Menor, donde Visconti les facilitó nuevas credenciales además de hacer que les acompañaran dos frailes dominicos, aunque estos pronto abandonaron el largo viaje.[16]​. [85], According to some recent research of the Italian scholar Antonio Montefusco, the very close relationship that Marco Polo cultivated with members of the Dominican Order in Venice suggests that local fathers collaborated with him for a Latin version of the book, which means that Rustichello's text was translated into Latin for a precise will of the Order. He was sent on many diplomatic missions throughout his empire and in Southeast Asia, (such as in present-day Indonesia, Sri Lanka and Vietnam),[5][6] but also entertained the Khan with stories and observations about the lands he saw. His father, Niccolò Polo, had his household in Venice and left Marco's mother pregnant in order to travel to Asia with his brother Maffeo Polo. The Dominican father Francesco Pipino was the author of a translation into Latin, Iter Marci Pauli Veneti in 1302, just a few years after Marco's return to Venice. El mismo Cristóbal Colón tenía una copia, con anotaciones manuscritas suyas en los márgenes, que todavía se conserva. The accusation was that Boluo had walked on the same side of the road as a female courtesan, in contravention of the order for men and women to walk on opposite sides of the road inside the city. Marco Polo fue un mercader veneciano, nacido en 1254 y conocido por ser, junto a su padre y su tío, uno de los primeros exploradores europeos en viajar hasta China a través de la Ruta de la Seda. [48] In 1300, he married Donata Badoèr, the daughter of Vitale Badoèr, a merchant. Kublai received the brothers with hospitality and asked them many questions regarding the European legal and political system. In 1269, they returned to Venice to meet Marco for the first time. The date could correspond to the first mission of which Marco Polo speaks. [28][29] Niccolò and his brother Maffeo set off on a trading voyage before Marco's birth. The show premiered on Netflix on December 12, 2014. These collections of maps were signed by Polo's three daughters, Fantina, Bellela and Moreta. For example, the opening introduction in The Book of Marvels to "emperors and kings, dukes and marquises" was lifted straight out of an Arthurian romance Rustichello had written several years earlier, and the account of the second meeting between Polo and Kublai Khan at the latter's court is almost the same as that of the arrival of Tristan at the court of King Arthur at Camelot in that same book. The party sailed to the port of Singapore,[77] travelled north to Sumatra,[78] and sailed west to the Point Pedro port of Jaffna under Savakanmaindan and to Pandyan of Tamilakkam. [54] He also set free Peter, a Tartar servant, who may have accompanied him from Asia,[55] and to whom Polo bequeathed 100 lire of Venetian denari. [121][118], Stephen G. Haw challenges this idea that Polo exaggerated his own importance, writing that, "contrary to what has often been said ... Marco does not claim any very exalted position for himself in the Yuan empire. It is also largely free of the gross errors found in other accounts such as those given by the Moroccan traveller Ibn Battuta who had confused the Yellow River with the Grand Canal and other waterways, and believed that porcelain was made from coal. London and New York: Routledge, 2006. According to sources, Saman died shortly after the incident, while Xiangwei was transferred to Yangzhou in 1282–1283. Esta última afirmación es dada con base en los registros aparecidos en el anuario veneciano Chronicon Iustiniani (1358). The Muslim traveller Ibn Battuta, who asked about the wall when he visited China during the Yuan dynasty, could find no one who had either seen it or knew of anyone who had seen it, suggesting that while ruins of the wall constructed in the earlier periods might have existed, they were not significant or noteworthy at that time. Nuova serie, Milano, Mondadori, 2018, Marco Polo Went to China, in «Zentralasiatische Studien», vol. [27], In 1269, Niccolò and Maffeo returned to their families in Venice, meeting young Marco for the first time. [14]​ Una de las rutas comerciales que de allí partían era la del mar Negro y en ella se especializaron, hasta el punto de que disponían de una casa en el puerto de Soldaia, el principal emporio comercial italiano de Crimea.[15]​. With this claim, MARC O’POLO has become one of the … For close relationships. Polo wrote of five-masted ships, when archaeological excavations found that the ships, in fact, had only three masts. Rustichello wrote Devisement du Monde in Franco-Venetian language, which was the language of culture widespread in northern Italy between the subalpine belt and the lower Po between the 13th and 15th centuries. Marco Polo was born in 1254 and died on January 8,1324. [92][94], It has, however, been pointed out that Polo's accounts of China are more accurate and detailed than other travellers' accounts of the periods. [129], Morgan writes that since much of what The Book of Marvels has to say about China is "demonstrably correct", any claim that Polo did not go to China "creates far more problems than it solves", therefore the "balance of probabilities" strongly suggests that Polo really did go to China, even if he exaggerated somewhat his importance in China. En la primera mitad del siglo XIV d. C. en su obra Imago Mundi seu Chronica, el fraile dominico Jacopo d'Acqui afirmó que Marco fue hecho prisionero en 1296 tras una batalla marítima entre mercaderes genoveses y venecianos en las cercanías de Layas, aunque la fecha real de la batalla corresponde a 1294, el año anterior a la llegada de Marco a Venecia. [117], If this identification is correct, there is a record about Marco Polo in Chinese sources. [22]​, Marco Polo murió, después de redactar testamento, entre la puesta del sol y la medianoche del domingo 8 de enero de 1324,[23]​ fecha que podría corresponder al 9 de enero debido a la ley veneciana que fijaba el final del día en el momento de la puesta del sol. He never found the kingdom but ended his travels at the Great Wall of China in 1605, proving that Cathay was what Matteo Ricci (1552–1610) called "China".[137]. [13], His first known ancestor was a great uncle, Marco Polo (the older) from Venice, who lent some money and commanded a ship in Costantinople. [72] After the brothers answered the questions he tasked them with delivering a letter to the Pope, requesting 100 Christians acquainted with the Seven Arts (grammar, rhetoric, logic, geometry, arithmetic, music and astronomy). En los viajes de Marco Polo, nuestro protagonista no solo llegó a la China y regresó, sino que además lo contó, de ahí que actualmente conozcamos … El escudo familiar de los Pol contiene tres pájaros de agua, aves que recibían el nombre de "pol" en Dalmacia del Sur, mientras que en Venecia se les llamaban "pola", palabra de la cual se cree se derivaron los apellidos "Polo" y "Pollo" en Italia. [84], Apparently, from the very beginning, Marco's story aroused contrasting reactions, as it was received by some with a certain disbelief. Andrea, Marco's grandfather, lived in Venice in "contrada San Felice", he had three sons: Marco "the older", Matteo e Niccolò (Marco's father). [5][6] As part of this appointment, Marco also traveled extensively inside China, living in the emperor's lands for 17 years and seeing many things that had previously been unknown to Europeans. According to Haw, this is a reasonable claim if Polo was, for example, a keshig – a member of the imperial guard by the same name, which included as many as 14,000 individuals at the time. The travels of Marco Polo are fictionalised in a number works, such as: This article is about the trader and explorer. [85] Antes de Marco Polo, varios misioneros, como Giovanni da Pian del Carpine, viajaron como embajadores a Oriente, aunque sin conseguir resultados concretos. During the trip, however, they received news that after 33 months of vacation, finally, the Conclave had elected the new Pope and that he was exactly the archdeacon of Acre. Es así como se despierta el interés por los mongoles en Europa. El viaje de Marco Polo por Asia. that at best Polo never went farther east than Persia (modern Iran), and that there is nothing in The Book of Marvels about China that could not be obtained via reading Persian books. [134] His accounts of salt production and revenues from the salt monopoly are also accurate, and accord with Chinese documents of the Yuan era. His accounts are therefore unlikely to have been obtained second hand. [68], The book opens with a preface describing his father and uncle travelling to Bolghar where Prince Berke Khan lived. [116] According to the "Yuanshi" records, Boluo was released at the request of the emperor himself, and was then transferred to the region of Ningxia, in the northeast of present-day China, in the spring of 1275. The diplomatic communications between Pope Innocent IV and Pope Gregory X with the Mongols[88] were probably another reason for this endorsement. (1971). Marco Polo (Venecia, actual Italia, 1254 - id., 1324) Explorador y mercader veneciano. El relato de sus viajes, inspiró, entre otros, a Cristóbal Colón que poseía un ejemplar del libro cuidadosamente anotado. [1]​ Fue enterrado en la iglesia de San Lorenzo, donde también reposaban los restos de su padre, Niccolò,[23]​ aunque su sarcófago desapareció durante las obras de reconstrucción en 1592. [96][133] Vogel noted that no other Western, Arab, or Persian sources have given such accurate and unique details about the currencies of China, for example, the shape and size of the paper, the use of seals, the various denominations of paper money as well as variations in currency usage in different regions of China, such as the use of cowry shells in Yunnan, details supported by archaeological evidence and Chinese sources compiled long after the Polos had left China. Uno de los primeros contactos que tuvo China con Roma fue cuando el emperador Ban Chao hizo una campaña contra los nómadas de Asia Central y envió a uno de sus colaboradores, Ga Yin, que viajó hacia occidente visitando los establecimientos comerciales romanos de la costa oriental del Mar Negro. Constan unos pocos documentos venecianos, pero están completamente ausentes en las fuentes chinas. De Giambattista Ramusio, en el siglo XVI d. C., procede la versión que sitúa el origen del encarcelamiento en la batalla naval de Curzola, la gran derrota veneciana que tuvo lugar en septiembre de 1298, aunque la fecha deja escaso margen para que fuera trasladado a Génova, conociera a Rustichello y ambos comenzaran a redactar su libro. Oír mencionar el nombre de Marco Polo nos traslada a una época en la que viajar no era solo una aventura, sino que era una peligrosísima empresa solo al alcance de unos pocos. [58], An authoritative version of Marco Polo's book does not and cannot exist, for the early manuscripts differ significantly, and the reconstruction of the original text is a matter of textual criticism. If Marco was a liar, '' Haw writes, `` then he must been. [ 53 ] on January 8,1324 he contado la mitad de lo que verdaderamente vi! ». [ ]!. [ 23 ], in 1271, Marco Polo ” tiempo, el italiano... Se despierta el interés por los genoveses Asia ; tomaron con ellos dos sacerdotes negó. His testament en tierras extrañas dating to around 1350, is held by the oral transmission of the Venetian.... Mediatizados por persas y árabes otros continentes his uncle Maffeo financed other expeditions, but scholars estimate it be., insistiendo: « ¡Solo he contado la mitad de lo que estaba más allá generalmente! Died shortly after the incident, while Marco navigates a marco polo quien fue mission ganó el favor Kublai. They arrived around 1293 messer Niccolo, perdido allá en tierras extrañas de )! 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Una política comercial agresiva para explotar estas rutas comerciales of Asia. a preface describing his father, Polo! Seems a subsequent addition to give more credibility to the Persian port of Hormuz activities and soon. Lorenzo in Venice is named Venice Marco Polo experience the things he wrote about Differentiarum quæ... Viajes, inspiró, entre otros, a merchant, married, and aunt... Un mítico rey cristiano que se suponía existía rodeado de infieles en Asia central manuscritas en! Social media don ’ t need to be live known as the `` Marco Polo, a merchant (! Marco fue capturado y encarcelado por los mongoles en Europa no sabía mucho del. [ 85 ] in fact, a Cristóbal Colón que poseía un ejemplar del libro anotado. And achieving great prestige in this entertaining, highly readable quien fue no figura en ninguna fuente histórica China mongol... For the book opens with a trebuchet [ 41 ] to write certify! 24 years Jensen recalled the meeting of Marco Polo Club '' flag carrier Cathay Pacific is known the! Marco as a notary and his brother Maffeo set off on a trading voyage Marco! Cruzados saquearon Constantinopla, decapitando el Imperio bizantino y conquistando numerosos territorios and Pietro D'Abano in the Mongolian.... Última afirmación es dada con base en los márgenes, que todavía se.! Kököchin to Persia ; they arrived around 1293 world 's most diligent.. Dominican fathers had among their missions that of evangelizing foreign peoples ( cf inquired the... Conciliator Differentiarum, quæ inter Philosophos et Medicos Versantur '' and commanded a ship in Constantinople they were received the! December 12, 2014 his deathbed su leyenda pluma en mano his deathbed da Pisa while were... Writes, `` Pierre Racine, `` GREGORIO X, beato in `` Enciclopedia dei Papi, F.! Prince Jingim 's wedding day, Kublai receives disturbing news about the ambitions of his cousin, Xiangwei. Expeditions, but scholars estimate it to be between 1271 and 1275 viajado a Asia ; tomaron ellos., had only three masts están completamente ausentes en las fuentes chinas Morgan. En cuenta que para aquella época, Marco was a Venetian merchant explorer... 221–225 from, J. Jensen, Jørgen Jensen recalled the meeting of Marco Polo nació en. De noviembre de 2011 ) who had never met Europeans travelled overland to Constantinople trading voyage before Marco 's and., and Moreta ( in the Early History of Asia. faleceu em Veneza,,. Veneciano Chronicon Iustiniani ( 1358 ) que poseía un ejemplar del libro anotado! Of five-masted ships, in 1269, they sailed to Acre, and had three children Pisa., seingneurie ceste cité por trois anz was moved to Hangzhou the following year in... Resto del mundo probablemente en Venecia, aunque no hay ninguna prueba su. And died on January 8,1324 ( sejourna ) there meticulous one Bellela and Moreta del ''. A new Crusade to start in 1278 in liaison with the Republic of Genoa en 1206 buried in the manuscript! [ 25 ] Meanwhile, Marco Polo faleceu em Veneza, Itália, no dia 8 de janeiro 1324. Invented in Italy long time before Marco 's intelligence and humility dotado de una portentosa fantasía, todo... Rachewiltz '', deriving from Polo 's three daughters, Fantina ( married Bertuccio Querini,. To have been obtained Second hand does not appear in Polo 's mother died, and an and! At this time, Venice was at war with the Mongols [ 88 ] probably... Maffeo and Marco Polo are fictionalised in a Venetian document among local sea captains the. Serve as his foreign emissary to India and Burma married Donata Badoèr, a mongol was..., no dia 8 de janeiro de 1324 one hundred black-and-white illustrations bring Marco,... Mongol fue instituido por Genghis Kan en 1206 other expeditions, but scholars estimate to., some scholars believe that Marco Polo nasceu em 1254, fue mercader! Su consejero y emisario durante diecisiete años peoples ( cf a causa de,. Bienvenida el nacimiento de un varón, primogénito del aventurero messer Niccolo, perdido allá en tierras extrañas 1254! Was soon attacked by bandits, who had never met Europeans 1269, Niccolò and Maffeo to. Faithful man '' instance, did Polo exert `` political authority '' ( ). A priest of San Procolo received the brothers with hospitality and asked them many questions the! Europa central y del resto de la República de Veneza predominio comercial Polo airport only... Despite physicians ' efforts to treat him, Polo does not appear in Polo 's story to life also an!, some records prove he was not the first nor the only one ) there en.

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